Economic Anthropology: History, Ethnography, Critique
Hann, C. (ed.). 1993. Socialism: Ideals, Ideologies and Local Practice. ASA Monographs No. 31, London: Routledge.
Hann, C. (ed). 1998. Property Relations: Renewing the Anthropological Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hann, C. (ed.). 2002. Postsocialism: Ideals, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia. London: Routledge.
Hann, C. 2003. The Postsocialist Agrarian Question: Property Relations and the Rural Condition. Münster: LIT (with the “Property Relations” Group).
Hann, C. a Hart, K. (2009) Market and Society: Great Transformation Today. Cambridge: Cambridge Unviersity Press.
Hart, K. 2000. The Memory Bank: Money in an Unequal World. London: Profile Books.-
Cattani, A. D., Laville, J.-L., Hart, K. (eds.). 2006. The Human Economy: A Citizen‘s Guide. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Wilk, R. 1996. Economies and Cultures. Oxford: Westview Press.